Would you like a puppy with that?

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So a couple of months ago I went to do the groceries, and I accidentally bought a puppy.

Can you blame me?

It’s fair to say that I am occasionally guilty of the odd impulse purchase. Maybe a bit more than occasionally. But I will admit I outdid myself this time.

Especially because there were a truckload of reasons why it wasn’t a good idea to come home with a puppy instead of the groceries.

1. There was bugger-all food in the house – breakfast the next day was looking like 2-minute noodles.

2. You know how there are dog people? I am not dog people. That’d be the Councillor (which was kind of what I was counting on…)

3. We already had a dog – Maxie, the world’s most annoying dog.


4. Maxie was the result of the Councillor and Joe going to the movies 3 years ago, and coming home with a dog. For which I still haven’t forgiven him. I know, right? And here’s me doing the same thing.

5. He cost… umm… a bit.  More than the groceries. But he was a labrador (ok, allegedly a labrador) with a teeny bit of cattle dog in him. So he was a bargain. Right?

So in the true spirit of the impulse purchase I reminded myself of all the reasons we totally needed another dog.

1. Maxie needed a friend.

2. Nope, I’ve got nothing else.

So I arrived home with a black labrador. The kids googled “dog names”, and we named him Leo.

As it turns out, now that Leo is with us, he’s provided us with a truckload of additional reasons for not getting another dog.

1.  Leo is a Labrador. Leo eats like a Labrador. That is, his whole reason for being is to eat. Anything. In a nano-second. This includes Maxie’s food.  Maxie is a mini-foxie.  He’s all “meh” about eating.  We will put food in his bowl, and he will treat the bowl like a 7-11, swinging by when he needs a quick snack, knowing it’ll be open all hours. With Leo here, that system isn’t working so well for Maxie. He is learning it’s the quick or the dead when it comes to food.

2.  Leo will, literally, eat anything. Last weekend, he ate so much of the cane outdoor furniture that he vomited cane.

3.  Leo ate Maxie’s kennel.


4.  Leo eats the washing.  And washing baskets. Pegs not so much – by then he’s probably full.

As the owner of a mini-foxie, it never occurred to me that I would one day need a strategy when it came to hanging out the washing.

As the owner of a Labrador, I now know that only a FOOL would hang a towel vertically. And that only a moron would let shirt sleeves hang down. But despite learning (quickly) to double-peg a sleeve, evidently labradors have super powers that enable them to leap to unimaginable heights to secure a tasty singlet. I know we’re supposed to avoid using the clothes dryer for the sake of the freaking planet, but at this rate The Councillor will be going to official functions in crop tops that were formerly business shirts.

5.  Leo and Max are outside dogs. Despite what they think. Unfortunately for the garden-proud Councillor, this means that “outside” now looks like a lunar landscape.

6.  Leo and Max like to play. Like toddlers however, it pretty much always ends in tears. Yesterday they were fighting over a stick, and I actually said to them “stop it or one of you will lose an eye’.

7.  Notwithstanding the outside dog thing, we appear to have created a routine wherein we allow the dogs to join the family in the living room for a short time in the evening. Because we are idiots.  When the dogs enter the house, it sounds like the Charge of the Light Brigade is coming across the timber floors. They run at the speed of light and literally – I’m serious – FLY OVER the coffee table onto the sofa. They are like canine F18 jets. Anyone unlucky enough to be sitting where a dog lands will pay the price. Especially if it’s Leo launching himself towards you. Because as The Councillor discovered to his considerable detriment, 18kg of excited black labrador puppy is NOT what you want hurtling into your lap at warp speed.

Leo was an impulse buy, yes. Were we ready for him? No. Did we need another dog? A hundred times no.

But is he a much-loved family member? Absolutely. And I haven’t had a single moment of buyer’s remorse. Except for maybe the cane vomit.

What was your most spectacular impulse purchase?

I am sooooo not an outside dog.

* I totally understand the arguments against buying animals from pet shops. Really, I do. But I honestly don’t believe that *not* giving pet shop animals a home is the solution to puppy and kitten farms. Whatever the solution, it can’t be leaving animals in glass boxes in shopping centres. We have always had rescue dogs, and I hope we will again. 


  • Kerri Sackville
    May 18, 2013

    Oh I LOVE this post. Particularly your reasons (reason?) for buying Leo. Fabulous. And I can relate!

  • Shelly at Tropical Mum
    August 26, 2011

    I loved this post! So funny!

    We’ll be joining your ranks soon, and I think you just convinced me to rescue an adult dog who doesn’t eat laundry.

    Visiting from the DP blog carnival.

  • Laney @ Crash Test Mummy
    August 20, 2011

    Hi, visiting from DP Blog Carnival . . .
    That is a spectacular (and adorable) impulse buy! It’s funny how quickly they wriggle into your hearts – and your sofa! I hope he brings you lots of joy and the occasional in tact newspaper.

  • kim at allconsuming
    August 5, 2011

    OH DUDE.
    I have basically just done this.
    Except not from the pet shop – from a friend of a friend. They have a litter of kelpie/corgi cross pups.
    It’s for Felix.
    We did try dogs.
    they broke me.
    GOD KNOWS why I’m trying it again.
    We live with my mum.
    Mum hates dogs and often announces no dog will live here while she lives here.
    Maybe me getting Felix a dog isn’t such a bad idea after all.

  • bronnie
    August 5, 2011

    Our last impulse purchase was a kitten, so we are almost as ‘bad’ as you. But he was a rescue kitten from a vet, so the guilt factor came out of it. Having said that, he is the naughtiest cat I have ever had. He poos everywhere except the litter box, and has already gotten lost, resulting in much tears, and the posting of a massive reward. But we do love him.

  • A Desert Rambler of Desert Ramblings
    August 5, 2011

    He is adorable! And every dog needs a friend (we have two – got the second because the first one was stir-crazy on her own). The cat, however, would claw my eyes out in my sleep if I so much as contemplated bringing him home a companion 🙂

  • Cranky Old Man
    August 5, 2011

    I had a black lab years ago. They are the sweetest greatest dogs ever, but they need lots and lots and lots and lots of evercise! As puppies they woll eat and chew anything and everything. They love to garden and dig, but only as puppies, then they grow out of all those things.

    They are puppies for about six years. Then they are the best dogs ever!!

    cranky old man

    • Nicole McLachlan
      August 5, 2011

      You are so right – there is just something about black labs. Leo is our first, but I grew up with a golden one. My sister had a gorgeous black lab called Jonah (after Jonah Lomu, the All Black rugby player) and he was fantastic too.

      We are assuming Leo will be in the “puppy phase” for the rest of his life – so your comment about 6 years is reassuring!

      Thanks for visiting my blog. 🙂

  • Twitchy
    August 5, 2011

    ‘secure a tasty singlet’ HA! Words I never expected to see together and therefore more hilarious.

    My only major impulse buy (apart from ticket to a Blogging Conf last week) was a kitten to keep my other one company. Stoopid, stoopid, stoopid. We already had a great cat, who had US and the dog for company! This one, no matter how cute and fluffy and tiny *pushed* me away from my chest with all its might. It was a sign I was too dumb to heed.

    For the next 13 years this cat who did not like people would hide in the (clean) laundry piles, jump on kitchen benches at night, pull down teatowels and washing to sleep on, leaving claw marks in sheer dresses and fur clumps on everything. It would run away from us, even after years and years of suffering our care. Still, the kids were upset when she died. We still have the good one 😉

    • Nicole McLachlan
      August 5, 2011

      If he’d had his way he would have had a tasty singlet with an undie chaser.

      I’ve only owned one cat, about a hundred years when I was sharing a flat. Fairly certain we weren’t supposed to have any pets. Anyway, turns out I am not a cat person either. He lasted as long as the lease. And the flatmate. About 6 months. Then he went into the “free to a good home” section of the Trading Post. Impulse purchase fail.


  • Kylie L
    August 4, 2011

    You and @cateP36 need to compare blogs. Both about getting a dog, both bloody funny and both make me run screaming everytime my children plaintively ask for a pet.

    • Nicole McLachlan
      August 5, 2011

      Just read about @cateP36’s beagle. Commented on her blog that Bella and Leo MUST NEVER MEET. I forgot to include one other reason for not getting a pet – which you should feel free to use – it just gives the kids one more thing to fight about. Awesome. x

  • Tracy
    August 4, 2011

    Well, after our Maxie died I decided I couldn’t stand not having a dog so put name down on a breeders list and as it turns out I ended up with 2 dogs, a puppy and the mother dog who was ready to retire to a family home after a show career and 2 litters.
    What I didn’t realise was that German Shorthaired Pointers are not only concerned with food like labs, but being a hunting dog also have a great sense of small, hearing and are lightening quick. So not only do they seek out all food, eat like labs but also have the ability to catch possums, snakes, cats etc. So the tally is so far 4 possums, 2 birds, 1 green tree frog, several snakes and countless lizards.
    In addition as I found out they are not dumb animals and if the back door is unlocked they can open the back door and come in. Dogs tally from the kitchen – 1 new loaf of bread, easter eggs which caused an immediate phone call to the vet, several dinners and 2 lots of newly prepared school lunches.
    As for what they have eaten outside – several witches hats (yes the the real ones from construction sites), cane outdoor furniture, gas connections to BBQ’s, hoses, a trampoline, kids toys and a trampled vegetable patch.
    The worst thing they have done has happened only recently. They discovered the postman leaves my parcels on top of the letterbox which is about 1.7m off the ground. This resulted in the demise of a new pair of true religion jeans and an expensive text book from the States shredded by my 4 legged friends…..so really what this means is that my only advise to you is to get a PO Box because unlike me I hope you don’t find out the hard way

    • Nicole McLachlan
      August 5, 2011

      2 words – YOU. WIN.

      I almost shed a tear about the True Religion jeans. Leo may not have been so lucky – True Religion jeans cost close to what Leo cost! But today I did hear about one dog meal that would definitely send our combined dogs “to the farm”. Another blogger wrote about her dog eating half the keys on her laptop. Leo would be a former dog if that happened – and I KNOW how much you love your Macbook 🙂


  • loulou
    August 4, 2011


    next time you go out for groceries
    do this: Buy groceries

    I would be sending him back – but hey I’m full of bluff too – I know you must love him so – but as lurch used to make that throaty sound from the adams family



  • Bern Morley
    August 4, 2011

    Oh he vomits cane. Jesus you crack me up. Seriously and I am totally not bullshitting, you make me laugh out loud with every post you do. Hardly any I read do that.

    We bought a Golden Retriever about 3 years ago. We no longer have Max the Golden Retriever. He went to live on a farm. No, really, not a metaphorical farm a real one. Because the day he knocked Jack on his arse and consequently his head on a the concrete, we knew it was time. God he was gorgeous but so. fucking. dumb. Maybe we’ll be ready one day. Maybe.

    Leo fits, well done.:)

    • Nicole McLachlan
      August 5, 2011

      Backatcha – I want to blog like you when I grow up.

      Not all our canine impulse buys have been successes (and I’m not sure you would count Leo as a roaring success just yet… helps that he’s so freaking gorgeous). David reminded me last night about Chloe, a completely psychotic border collie who lasted a week. We got him from the RSPCA and in a totally shameful move we returned him to the RSPCA. We even considered asking for our money back, but decided that was probably lowering the bar of shamelessness too much.

      Want a mini foxie?


  • Tamsyn
    August 4, 2011

    He is the cutest impulse buy ever!! I did the same with a kitten a couple of years ago. My husband eventually forgave me and now Ollie is a much loved remember of our household. 🙂

    • Nicole McLachlan
      August 5, 2011

      Pretty sure the Councillor will forgive me in the same way as I have forgiven him for coming home with Maxie – through gritted teeth, but secretly loving the new family member.


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